Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams Essay
Street Car Named Desire A Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams in 1947, has been called the best play ever written by an American. The geological setting of the play, New Orleans, creates a remarkably blended mood of decadence, nostalgia, and sensuality. The plot of the play comes about through the conflict between a man and his sister-in-law who comes to live at his house with he and his wife. Stanley Kowalski immediately captures the attention of the audience through Williams excellent portrayal of the intensely strong willed character. The portrayal of Stanley Kowalski plays a major role in the success of the play. Williams forms Stanley into an extremely masculine character who will always have his way or no†¦show more content†¦Blanche appears as a character who may possibly jeopardize his position of authority in the household. Williams casts this image of excessive aggressiveness and cruelty upon Stanley not only to form the primary conflict which fully entangles itself in the plot of the play but also to force the reader to look at Stanleys character from different perspectives. In one sense, the audience sees Stanley as a character who commands respect and watches out for himself and his wife, while, in another light, he appears as an overbearing brute. His cruel intolerance of Blanche can be seen as a justifiable response to her lies, hypocrisy, and mockery, but his nasty streak of violence against his wife appalls even his friends. (Masterplots, 6316). These opposing views of the character add to h is essence in the play. The absolute epitome of Stanleys aggression culminates in his rape of Blanche. The utter brutality of Stanley comes forth in this scene as he takes out his aggression with an assault on Blanche. Again, some readers feel that his vicious attack on Blanche comes about as warranted due to the preceding acts of Blanche. †¦for Williams, Blanche is, nonetheless, guilty of abusing and using sensitive men so that her punishment-her rape-fits her crime. (Drama Criticism, 399). Nonetheless, this final exhibition of hostility by Stanley leads to the emotional downfall ofShow MoreRelatedA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1109 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†is a play written by Tennessee Williams. Williams was born in Columbus, Mississippi but with a different name. He changed his name from Thomas Lanier Williams to what the readers know today as Tennessee Williams. (Forman). Williams is widely known for his plays, short stor ies, and poems across the world. He has won many awards for his work such as The New York Critics’ Circle Award and 2 Pulitzer awards. The play â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire he won his first Pulitzer PrizeRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1442 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout Tennessee Williams’s play, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†one can learn a large portion about his personal life. In the play the character, Blanche has a mental illness the same as his sister Rose had in her lifetime. Blanche’s ex-husband was also homosexual and he made the point to say that he left her for a man and Williams himself was also a homosexual. Tennessee chose for the story to be based in New Orleans, which was a crumbling town at the time and Williams was living a crumbling lifeRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams928 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis Paper: A Streetcar Named Desire For my analysis paper, I have chosen the full-length play by Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire. The drama containing several forms of realism was released in December of 1947 and stayed open on Broadway for two years until December of 1949. The play in set in New Orleans, Louisiana in a simi-poor area, but has a certain amount of charm that goes along with it. Williams creates a vast web of emotional conflicts thought all the characters, whichRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire, By Tennessee Williams1629 Words  | 7 PagesA Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams, was first performed on December 3rd, 1947. Chronicling the actions and events that take place when two sisters are reunited, A Streetcar Named Desire is regarded as one of Tennessee William’s most successful plays. 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In Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, despite Blanche’s desire to start fresh in New Orleans, her snobbish nature, inabilityRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams672 Words  | 3 Pagesof the eraâ€â€is Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, a tale of one woman’s destruction due to Southern society’s changing moral values. The destruction of the Old Southern society around the main character, Blanche DuBois, causes her to go insane and she cannot stand the low morals that the New South is carrying in its baggage. Because of his Southern roots, Tennessee Williams’ past is able to shine through his work. Born to a drunken shoe maker and a Southern belle, Williams was supportedRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1054 Words  | 5 Pagescalled â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, there are numerous amounts of tragic events that not only affected the person in the event, but others around them as well. A tragedy, or tragic event, is known to bring chaos, destruction, distress, and even discomfort such as a natural disaster or a serious accident. A tragedy in a story can also highlight the downfall of the main character, or sometimes one of the more important character. In this book, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, written by Tennessee Williams, heRead MoreTennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire929 Words  | 4 PagesThe â€Å"Desire’s†Breakdown Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire is a web of themes, complicated scenarios, and clashes between the characters. Therefore, it might’ve been somehow difficult to find out who the protagonist of this play is if it wasn’t for Aristotle’s ideas of a good tragedy because neither of the main characters, Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Dubois, is completely good nor bad. 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Tennessee Williams wrote A Streetcar Named Desire around the time this reversal was occurring in American society. In this play male dominance is clear. Women are represented as delicate, reserved, and silent, confined to a domestic world that isolated them from the harsh realities
Monday, December 23, 2019
Police Discretion - 1050 Words
Police Discretion Police discretion is the ability to choose a course of action because of broad limits of power. It refers to the autonomy an officer has in choosing an appropriate course of action (The Police In America, 113). It includes authority to decide which of the various means of helping the helpless, maintaining order, and keeping the peace are best suited to particular circumstances (www.worldandi.com/specialreport/1989/january/Sa15878.htm). The police need to have discretion since it is impossible to record everything on what they are supposed to do and not do. We can also understand that if you could record all the rules and regulations it would be too extensive for an individual to comprehend. Looking at the†¦show more content†¦Situation variables include the seriousness of the offense, how it came to the officer s attention, and the visibility of the offense (Policing in America, 259-260). What if there was a weapon, such as a gun, knife, or a sword? There are plenty of times in which an officer will lend more attention to a serious crime and sort of push aside the petty crime. Is that wise to give less attention to petty crimes? What if they grow into bigger, more serious crimes? Referring to the visibility of the offense, it is true that Police tend to become much more bureaucratic when witnesses, an audience, or the media are present (http://ncwc.edu/toconnor/205/205lect09.htm). System variables include an officer s perception of inequities in the law, agency size, the expectations of the community, informal police norms, and the availability of alternatives to arrest (Policing in America, 260-261). We have to remember that the community can play a major role in what influences how the officer will act and respond (261). There are a few situations which include more discretion than other areas. Such important areas of discretion would include domestic violence, drunk driving, hate crimes, mental illness, use ofShow MoreRelatedPolice Discr etion1244 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Police Discretion Jocelyn Golphin University of the District of Columbia Criminal Justice System 2/21/2014 Golphin 2 Police discretion is a very important approach in matters concerning criminal justice. There has been a consistent problem between enforcing the law and the spirit of the law. Discretion in the broader sense can be defined as the individual’s ability to make a decision basing on the principle of courses of the action. During trainingRead MorePolice Discretion1548 Words  | 7 PagesPolice Discretion David Gonzalez University of Phoenix Introduction to Policing CJA/370 Professor John W. Feltgen June 23, 2005 Abstract In this paper I will discuss police discretion and the use of these discretionary powers in the law enforcement workplace. I will explore the mythical aspects of police discretionary powers and the source of this myth. I will further discuss the control of discretionary authority. I will name instances of law enforcement officials using their discretionary powersRead MorePolice Abuse Of Discretion And Discretion2015 Words  | 9 Pages Police Abuse of Discretion William Powell Jr. American Military University Professor Robert Arruda CMRJ303 Criminology January 17, 2014 Abstract Utilizing the research from several sources and personal experience, this paper will discuss police abuse of discretion. The paper will begin by defining discretion. The paper will examine several types of discretion variables. The paper will discuss its use in the field and office settings. The paper will discussRead MorePolice Discretion1418 Words  | 6 PagesPolice discretion by definition is the power to make decisions of policy and practice. Police have the choice to enforce certain laws and how they will be enforced. Some law is always or almost always enforced, some is never or almost never enforced, and some is sometimes enforced and sometimes not (Davis, p.1). Similarly with discretion is that the law may not cover every situation a police officer encounters, so they must use their discretion wisely. Until 1956, people thought of police discretionRead MoreDefinition Of Discretion And Police Discretion2054 Words  | 9 PagesThe term discretion has several meanings the liberty to decide what should be done in a specific circumstance is one general universal definition. But when dealing with criminal justice and police work the description changes a bit. The criminal justice definition of discretion is Police discretion discusses the authority given to a police officer that allows him or her to decide how to best handle a certain situation. This is designed at increasing the flexibility of the criminal justice systemRead MorePolice Discretion2131 Words  | 9 PagesDiscretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as â€Å"the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events†(Boivin ump; Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s discretion. Discre tion leads to selective enforcementRead MorePolice Discretion2677 Words  | 11 PagesFrom a criminological perspective discretion can be defined as the authority granted by law to agencies and officials to act on their own considered judgement and conscience in certain situations; and each area of the legal system (judges, parliament and law enforcement) has its own discretion. Police discretion is the ability granted by the legal system to police offices, in certain situations, to act in a manner that allows authorities to make responsible decisions and individual choices or judgmentsRead MoreEssay on Police Discretion1425 Words  | 6 PagesPolice Discretion Discretion, uncertainly, and inefficiently are rampant and essential in criminal justice. Nobody expects perfection. That would neither be good nor fair. Justice is a sporting event in which playing fair is more important than winning. Law enactment, enforcement, and administration all involve trading off the possibility of perfect outcomes for security against the worst outcomes. Policing is the most visible part of this: employees on the bottom have more discretion thanRead MoreDisadvantages Of Police Discretion835 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment 2 Discretion can be defined as the availability of choice of options or actions. We all use discretion each and every day with all the decisions we make in our day to day lives. With that being said police also use discretion but theirs have the ability to change people’s lives on the daily basis. They have to make those decisions each and every day not knowing how it will affect the person’s life. Discretion is something that is a very necessary part of police work. One of the reasonRead MoreEssay On Police Discretion1053 Words  | 5 PagesPolice Discretion is one of the many tool officers have a choice to use when making decision in enforcing the law. Officer have the option to use discretion were the officers see fit. They do not have to issue a citation or arrest in many cases a warning many be justified. Many of the outcomes could be determine by several factors which include the subjects attitude, the crime and the person past history. In some cases, a subjectà ¢â‚¬â„¢s social status and financial status in the community have also have
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(85) " over two wide parts in the western and eastern Pacific and taking their difference\." The chief purpose of the present survey is to look into further into the association between entire ozone ( TOZ ) and 11-year solar rhythm ( SC ) , during the period 1979 – 2010 by using satellite observations of TOZ and impulse flux ( MF ) . A positive correlativity between the one-year mean entire ozone ( TOZ ) over both hemispheres and macula figure ( SN ) is found. On the contrary, concentrating on the January and February mean monthly TOZ fluctuations from the equator to the high latitudes, of the Northern Hemisphere no association between TOZ and SN is derived. We will write a custom essay sample on Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is attributed to the being of the quasi-biennial-oscillation ( QBO ) and the El Ni A ; ntilde ; o-Southern oscillation ( ENSO ) in TOZ clip series, . However, when sing TOZ over the zonary agencies centred at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N and SN during the old ages of the east stage of QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, a important correlativity between TOZ and SN reveals. These findings are of important importance because solar radiation is a major driving force of the clime system. 1. Introduction Several surveies have shown that fluctuations in the 11-year solar irradiance and subsequent UV soaking up by ozone cause alterations in temperature and air current in the upper stratosphere ( Crooks and Gray, 2005 ; Alexandris et Al. 1999 ; Kondratyev and Varotsos 1996 ; Katsambas et Al. 1997 ) . These comparatively weak direct alterations could change the upward extension of planetary-scale moving ridges and lead to an indirect feedback on the lower ambiance through a alteration of the stratospheric mean circulation – Brewer- Dobson circulation ( Gernandt et al. 1995 ; Kodera and Kuroda, 2002 ; Tzanis and Varotsos, 2008 ; Cracknell and Varotsos 1994, 1995 ; Efstathiou et al. , 2003 ; Gernandt et al. , 1995 ; Varotsos, 2002, 2005 ; Varotsos et Al. 1994 ; Varotsos 1989, 2004 ) Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) indicated that the one-year mean solar response in temperature and ozone in the upper stratosphere is in qualitative understanding with other mold and experimental surveies and does non depend on the presence of the imposed quasi-biennial oscillation ( QBO ) of equatorial air current. However, the solar response in the center to take down stratosphere differs significantly for the two QBO stages. During solar maxima a weaker Brewer-Dobson circulation with comparative downwelling, warming, and enhanced ozone occurs in the tropical lower stratosphere during QBO east conditions, while a stronger circulation, chilling, and decreased ozone exists during QBO west conditions. During QBO east, the combination of production and advection resulted in the net ozone addition, whereas during QBO west, the effects cancel each other and consequence in small net ozone alterations. Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) showed besides that during Southern Hemisphere ( SH ) tardily winter to early spring, the solar response at polar latitudes switches mark between the two QBO stages and qualitatively confirms observations and other recent theoretical account surveies. Lu et Al. ( 2009 ) proposed some penetrations on the QBO modulated 11-year solar rhythm signals in Northern Hemisphere ( NH ) winter temperature and zonary air current. They used day-to-day ERA-40 Reanalysis and ECMWF Operational information for the period of 1958-2006 in order to analyze the seasonal development of the QBO-solar rhythm relationship at assorted force per unit area degrees up to the stratopause. The consequences showed that the solar signals in the NH winter extratropics are so QBO-phase dependant, traveling poleward and downward as winter progresses with a faster descent rate under westerly QBO than under eastern QBO. In the stratosphere, the signals seemed to be extremely important in late January to early March and have a life span of ?30-50 yearss. Under western QBO, the stratospheric solar signals clearly lead and connected to those in the troposphere in late March and early April where they have a life span of ?10 yearss. Sitnov ( 2009 ) utilizing entire ozone informations obtained in the period of 1957 – 2007 at 10 ground-based European Stationss, investigated the effects of the QBO and 11-year solar rhythm, attesting in entire column ozone. In this work, it was derived that solar activity modulates the stage of the QBO consequence so that the quasi-biennial entire ozone signals during solar upper limit and solar lower limit are about in opposite stage. It was besides demonstrated that stray under lasting conditions of solar lower limit or solar upper limit the QBO effects in entire ozone have the clip graduated table of about 20 months. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) holding applied the method of discriminant analysis to the TOMS informations of satellite sounding of the entire ozone content ( TOC ) in the March months of 1979-2008, attempted to do a new estimation of the TOC field variableness in the Northern Hemisphere and inter-longitudinal regularities of its alterations under the action of climatic variableness. The effects of temperature fluctuations in the polar stratosphere, El Ni A ; ntilde ; o -Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) and QBO seemed to be comparable and make 80 DU in some parts. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) besides proposed that the parts of TOC fluctuations and their location and dimensions change depending on the stages of QBO, AO, and ENSO. Three parts of increased TOC-over Europe, Eastern Siberia, and the Pacific Ocean-are formed in old ages with a warm stratosphere. A counterbalancing TOC lessening takes topographic point in the Torrid Zones and over Greenland. In the old ages of El Ni A ; ntilde ; O and the eastern QBO stage, the TOC increases over Europe and drops over the cardinal Pacific, every bit good as to the South from 45 A ; deg ; N. Ziemke et Al. ( 2010 ) established an ENSO index utilizing column ozone informations measured in tropical latitudes from Nimbus 7 TOMS, Earth Probe TOMS, NOAA SBUV, and Aura OMI orbiter instruments. This index, which covered a clip period from 1979 to the present, was defined as the Ozone ENSO Index ( OEI ) and it was the first developed from atmospheric hint gas measurings. OEI was constructed by first averaging monthly average column ozone over two wide parts in the western and eastern Pacific and taking their difference. You read "Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" The combined Aura OMI and MLS ozone informations confirmed that zonary variableness in entire column ozone in the Torrid Zones caused by ENSO events lies about wholly in the troposphere. As a consequence, OEI can be derived straight from entire column ozone alternatively of tropospheric column ozone. For clear-sky ozone measurements a +1 K alteration in Nino 3. 4 index corresponds to +2.9DU ( Dobson Unit ) alteration in OEI, while a +1 hPa alteration in Southern Oscillation index coincides with a ?1.7DU alteration in the OEI. For ozone measurings under all cloud conditions these Numberss are +2.4DU and ?1.4DU, severally. Soukharev ( 1997 ) analyzing the monthly agencies of entire ozone, in months January to March between 1973 – 1995 on five Stationss in Northeastern Europe, indicated statistically important correlativities between the fluctuations of entire ozone in February and, partly, in March, and the SN during the different stages of QBO. Similar correspondence was established between the index of stratospheric circulation and SN sing the QBO stage. Based on the obtained correlativities between the interannual fluctuations of ozone and stratospheric circulation index, Soukharev concluded that a connexion between solar rhythm – QBO – ozone occurs through the kineticss of stratospheric circulation. Varotsos ( 1989 ) analyzing the planetary TOZ, during the period 1958-1984, suggested that there was non any apparent connexion between TOZ and 10.7 centimeter solar flux ( F10.7 ) . However, when the informations were separated harmonizing to the E or west stage of QBO in the equatorial stratosphere, it was derived that entire ozone was positively correlated ( anticorrelated ) with the solar rhythm, during the West ( east ) stage of QBO. The chief purpose of this work is to research farther the association between TOZ and solar activity, from the equator to the high latitudes in both Hemispheres over the last three solar rhythms. 2. Datas and analysis QBO informations used in the present paper were calculated at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory-Physical Science Division ( NOAA/ESRL-PSD ) from the zonary norm of the 30mb zonary air current at the equator. Those informations were computed from the NCEP/NCAR Additionally, the average monthly macula Numberss ( SN ) derived from the datasets of the National Geophysical Data Center ( NGDC ) , during the period January 1749 – October 2009, were employed. TOZ informations set, was obtained from Nimbus-7, Meteor-3, and Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer ( TOMS ) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument ( OMI ) , covering the period 1979-2010 ( with measuring spreads for several months of the old ages 1994, 1995 and 1996 ) . Momentum Flux ( MF ) measurings between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N, through 1979 – 2010, obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, were besides used. Finally, Ozone ENSO index ( OEI ) measurings obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 613.3 Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, in the Torrid Zones during 1979 – 2010, were employed ( Ziemke et al. , 2010 ) . All clip series presented in this survey were normalized ( the long-run mean subtracted and so devided by the standard divergence ) and detrended. 3. Discussion and Consequences Several surveies argued that when the solar UV radiation is stronger, more ozone via the photolysis of O2 would be formed in the upper stratosphere, so that the maximal ozone degree would happen at the maximal solar activity. Very late, Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) have noticed that during the worsening stage of the most recent ’11-year ‘ solar rhythm ( occurred during 2002-2009 ) there was a four to six times larger diminution in UV than would hold been predicted on the footing of our old apprehension. Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) suggested that this decrease was partly compensated in the entire solar end product by an addition in radiation at seeable wavelengths. More unusually, they have besides showed that these spectral alterations appear to hold led to a important diminution from 2004 to 2007 in stratospheric ozone below an height of 45 kilometers, with an addition above this height. Therefore, it is interesting to re-visit the probe of the influence of the solar activity to the column ozone variableness on a planetary and hemispheric footing. 3.1. The entire ozone and solar rhythm on a planetary and hemispheric footing Along the lines above the 11-year solar rhythm and the TOZ one-year average fluctuations over the Earth, the NH and the SH, during the last solar rhythms are shown in Figure cubic decimeter ( a ) , ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) , severally. Inspection of Figure 1 shows that an evident solar rhythm is outstanding in the TOZ information. To quantify this association the correlativity coefficients were calculated and derived statistically important ( at 95 % assurance degree ) by utilizing the non-parametric Spearman method. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 1. Annual average TOZ and macula figure ( as a placeholder for the 11-year solar rhythm ) over ( a ) the Earth, ( B ) the northern hemisphere, ( degree Celsius ) the southern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. This in-phase March of TOZ and solar activity is non surprising and it is rather consistent with the current apprehension about the solar forcing in TOZ kineticss. Harmonizing to this, the upper stratospheric ozone response ( 2-3 % between solar lower limit and solar upper limit ) is a direct radiative consequence of warming and photochemistry. The lower stratospheric solar rhythm in tropical ozone appears to be caused indirectly through a dynamical response to solar ultraviolet fluctuations. However, the beginning of such a dynamical response to the solar rhythm is non to the full understood ( WMO 2010 ) . 3.2. The entire ozone on the wintertime Northern Hemisphere and solar rhythm To acquire a better apprehension of the afore-mentioned dynamical TOZ response, the probe of the plausible relationship between TOZ and solar activity would be performed at the wintertime government of the ambiance. Of class, during winter months, the solar rhythm signal is weak compared to big atmospheric fluctuations and the signal is hence more hard to pull out ( Labitzke and new wave Loon, 1988 ) . In an effort to farther research this job, the fluctuations of the average TOZ over the NH during January/February and the corresponding SN values during the period 1979 – 2010 are plotted in Figure 2 ( a ) . a ) B ) Figure 2. ( a ) ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN over the northern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. ( B ) The running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. The decision drawn from Figure 1 ( a ) is that a quasi-periodic constituent ( 2- 4 year ) in the Northern Hemispheric TOZ clip series reduces unusually the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and SN fluctuations. To look into whether this taint of the association of the TOZ and SN fluctuations by the QBO is a map of the solar activity the method of running correlativities was employed ( Kodera ( 1993 ) . The consequences obtained are shown in Figure 2 ( B ) where the running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February do non demo an 11-y signal ( figure 2b ) . Therefore, the above-said taint by the QBO of equatorial air current, is independent of the solar rhythm, upseting any evident association between TOZ and SN. 3.3. The latitudinal dependance of the association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern Hemisphere Next, the probe of the possible association between the TOZ and SN is explored as a map of latitude. In this respect, Haigh ( 1994 ) have reported that due to the seasonality, the stratospheric ozone alterations due to solar flux fluctuation are largest at center to high latitudes in the winter hemisphere. Figure 3 ( a-f ) present the January / February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, during 1979 – 2010. All these figures do non demo any evident correlativity between TOZ and solar activity, due to the taint by the quasi-periodic oscillations ( QBO and ENSO ) in the TOZ clip series. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin E ) vitamin D ) degree Fahrenheit ) Figure 3. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at ( a ) 7.5 A ; deg ; N, ( B ) 17.5 A ; deg ; N, ( degree Celsius ) 27.5 A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin D ) 37.5 A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin E ) 47.5 A ; deg ; N, ( degree Fahrenheit ) 57.5 A ; deg ; N, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. However, the solar response in the winter entire ozone at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N seemed to differ significantly under the two QBO stages. Other surveies have besides identified solar influences on the strength and extent of the Walker circulation, that is a cell circulation in the zonal and perpendicular waies in the tropical troposphere caused by differences in heat distribution between ocean and land. Meehl et Al. ( 2008 ) and vanLoon et Al. ( 2007 ) showed a strengthening of the Walker circulation, at peak old ages of the 11-year solar rhythm, It should be reminded that when the Walker cell weakens or contraries, an El Ni A ; ntilde ; o consequences, and when Walker cell becomes strong causes a La Ni A ; ntilde ; a. 3.4. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern tropics ; the function of the QBO and ENSO In the followers, the January and February mean TOZ and SN informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stages of the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa and were plotted against the OEI at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N ( figure 4a-d ) . During the west stage of QBO, a statistically important anticorrelation between TOZ and OEI clip series is evident, ensuing in a quasi periodic constituent that coincides with ENSO ( Ziemke et al. 2010 ) and causes no correlativity between TOZ and SN. On the other manus, during the east stage of QBO, TOZ clip series exhibits the 11-year signal. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin D ) Figure 4. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N during ( a ) the west stage of QBO and ( B ) the east stage of QBO. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 27.5 A ; deg ; N during ( degree Celsius ) the west stage of QBO and ( vitamin D ) the east stage of QBO. The dotted lines present the OEI through 1979 – 2010 in the West and east stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. In the undermentioned, figure 5 ( a ) presents the February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N, during 1979-2010, while figures 5 ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) show the February TOZ and macula figure when the informations were grouped in the West and east stage of QBO, severally. Inspection of these figures shows an evident correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, during QBO east ( statistically important correlativity at 95 % assurance degree ) . The ENSO constituent is noticeable one time more in the TOZ clip series when the informations were grouped in the west stage of QBO and is anticorrelated with OEI ( figure 5 ( B ) ) . B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 5. February average TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. The thin line with the symbol ten, in ( a ) , corresponds to the smoothened clip series of the February mean TOZ. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. a ) B ) Figure 6. ( a ) February mean TOZ at 17.5 A ; deg ; N against equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, ( B ) temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. To analyze farther the part of the QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa to the association between the February TOZ at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and OEI the figure 6 ( a ) is shown.. Figure 6a shows the statistically important anticorrelation between OEI and TOZ, but no any association of TOZ with QBO. The latter can likely be explained by the fact that TOZ exhibits OEI and it is modulated by the temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit. To give an penetration to it Figure 6 ( B ) depicts the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO upper limit and [ ( soap ( i+1 ) – soap ( I ) ] and the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO lower limit [ min ( i+1 ) – min ( I ) ] for twelvemonth ( I ) . Both the differences in the consecutive upper limit and the differences in the consecutive lower limit of QBO demonstrate the ENSO signal. 3.5. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern high latitudes ; the function of the QBO and ENSO Finally, in order to research the function of the atmospheric kineticss to the relationship between the TOZ and solar rhythm the interannual variableness of the February mean impulse flux ( MF ) between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010 was studied. , . Figure 7 ( a ) depicts the clip series of MF and SN for February, while figures 7b, degree Celsius show the impulse flux and macula figure when the informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stage. Harmonizing to Figure 1 ( degree Celsius ) , during the old ages of the east stage of QBO an evident anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm is observed. A plausible account is the fact that in winter months, the polar whirl is sensitive to equatorial air current. In this context, Salby and Callaghan ( 2000 ) have found that alterations in the polar-night whirl are consistent with the solar signature observed in wintertime records of polar temperature that have been stratified harm onizing to the QBO of equatorial air current. B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 7. February average MF and SN between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. Another decision drawn from Figure 7 is that the increased dynamical variableness occurs during the west stage of the equatorial QBO and the winter whirl is significantly weakened during solar upper limit and western stage of the quasi-biennial oscillation. 4. Decisions In this survey, a statistically important correlativity was derived between the one-year mean TOZ and SN over the Earth, the northern and the southern hemisphere, through 1979 – 2010. The evident 11-year signals in TOZ were obtained without any grouping of ozone informations harmonizing to the QBO stages of equatorial air current. Furthermore, sing the January and February mean TOZ and SN over the NH, an obvious quasi-periodic constituent was seen in the TOZ clip series, cut downing perceptibly the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and 11-year solar rhythm. No evident correlativity was besides derived analyzing the January and February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, due to the quasi-periodic constituent in the TOZ clip series, caused likely by the quasi-periodic oscillations. Concentrating on the January and February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N, TOZ clip series revealed an 11-year signal during the eastern QBO stages and an ENSO signal during the western QBO stages. The correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, in the east stage of QBO becomes higher for February. Finally, analyzing the February mean MF between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010, eastern stages of QBO seemed to do an obvious anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm. How to cite Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Principles And Practice Of Risk Assessment - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Principles And Practice Of Risk Assessment. Answer: Introduction The aim of the current study is to prepare a risk assessment plan for the Eastman Chemical Company. This is one of the major fortune 500 companies that is based in US, which mainly specializes in providing quality chemicals that are used in all types of commercial purposes. They also provide fibers that are needed for the everyday activity. The company has currently has more 40 manufacturing units in all the major nations across the globe. The risk assessment plan of the organization will be based upon its internal business environment. It will therefore help to ensure all the employees within the organization are able to work in health and safety environment. The risk assessment plan will mainly focus upon 5 type of hazardous activities which are as follows: Stress at work: Stress is considered to be one of the most common cause of mental illness among workers in the internal business environment. Nearly 1 million workers leave from their jobs due to the effect of occupational stress (Siegrist 2016). Slips, trips and falls: This type of risk is mainly common among employees doing heavy physical activities that involves high level of hazards. Nearly 40% of the injuries that occurred in workplace are mainly due to slip, trips and fall. Fire: The fire safety protocols are required to protect all assets of the organization. Having fire safety insurance is highly essential in this context. Confined space: The confined space within the workplace can increase the hazard of toxic atmosphere that can compromise upon the health and safety level of the workers. Nearly 50% of all the diseases that are caused due to unhealthy workplace atmosphere are due to working within a confined space (Brum 2016). Fall from height: The unsafety work stations within the workplace can result in accidents like fall from height. This is mainly caused due to the absence of standard work place plan that can increase the risks of falling. The business environment within the chemical manufacturing unit is considered to have high levels of riskthat is caused due to the hazardous substance that are being involved in the workplace. WSH legal requirements (Singapore based) It is one of the major legal duty of the organization is to provide high levels of safe and healthy environment. This can be achieved by identifying all the major hazards that are associated with the work profile of every organization. The Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006 was implemented by the government in Singapore that will help in providing maximum possible occupational safety that is needed in the context of providing safety at the workplace (Ministry of Manpower Singapore 2018). This act can be implemented in all types of workplaces and it is essential for all the organizations in Singapore to the follow the protocol of this act to ensure minimum legal risks are involved. It will also help to ensure high workplace reputation. According to the framework of the following principles are developed: Reduce the chance of occurring the source by identifying its original source. The industry needs to take full responsibility and the ownership of all types of risks that will help to minimize the same. Companies have to pay higher penalty for any types of accidents that will occur due to the failure of safety management (Ministry of Manpower Singapore 2018). In the given context, the Work Injury Compensation Actwas implemented to ensure that all the employees within the organization get proper advantage and compensatory funds for the accidents that are caused due to the mismanagement of the standard safety protocols (Ministry of Manpower Singapore 2018). The major types of injuries that occur within the workplace includes that from fire outbreak, Slips, trips and fall from heights. In the context of the Chemical industry, the Fire Safety Act is highly essential that are implemented by the Singapore Civil Defense Force. All the workplaces, which have high risk of catching up with fire due to the use of flammable materials need to have special protocol for the fire safety measures. This will help them to get the fire safety license (Ministry of Manpower Singapore 2018). Benefits According toBahr (2014), due to the involvement of high levels of risks and hazards within the workplace can be the causes for high levels stress within the employees. For a chemical industry like that of Eastman, the major issues at the work place is due to the high levels of risks and chemical hazards that are generally involved at the workplace. The health and safety environment with the workplace is therefore essential to improve the motivation levels and encourage the workers to take the extra efforts. Fernndez-Muizet al.(2014), have added in the context that with the introduction of the safety protocols in the forms of work place safety management, it is possible to increase the level of awareness among the employees. The workplace reputation within an organization is also dependent upon the health and safety procedures that are being applied. Effective Risk Management It is important to follow certain fixed steps for implementing effective risk management plan. In the context of the Eastman Chemical company it essential to implement the safety protocol depending upon the particular hazards that are involved within the respective workplace. The initial step of the risk management plan is to implement a definite framework for assessing all the risks. Proper mapping process can also be implemented that will help in the purpose of identifying all the hazard and in particular respect the chemical company. The company also need to held counseling sessions with every group of employees which will help them to identify all the major risks and issues that are confronted at the workplace. It is also possible to understand the mental health condition of the patient thereby predicting the cause of stress at workplace (Hopkin 2017) The company need to assign efficient risk managers, who are currently having high level of experience at the job profile of chemical industry. It is thereby possible to predict all forms of adverse situations that can be encountered within the manufacturing unit of Eastman Chemicals. The risk manager also need to propose a wide range of solutions that can be implemented on the basis of the current workplace scenario. After identification of the discs with the help of proper planning and evaluation it is important to properly define the same. This will help to ensure that the root cause of hazardous activities. In the following step it is important to classify all the risks on the basis of threat levels. For example, in the context of the chemical industry the threat of fire unconfined space is high compared to that of fall from height. The stress at work is also high due to the fact that all the employees have to work under high critical conditions. As the level of threat for each hazards are classified it is necessary to perceive the same. The context of the chemical industry the main focus of safety protocols should be upon fire control act. It is also essential to held regular mental counselling sessions, which are needed to deal with high level of workplace stress. The management also need to keep a proper record of all the risk incident that occurred within the organization. This record will help to provide detailed information for implementation of future safety protocols (Drennan et al. 2014). The risk assessment process need to be done on regular time interval. This will help to ensure that all the heavy machineries that are used in the manufacturing unit are properly maintained. With the help of this risk management plan, it is possible for the Eastman Chemical company to get proper information relevant to high level of hazards that are involved within the workplace. Recommended risk assessment process/ action required The threats at the workplace of Eastman chemical company can be accessed with the help of a risk assessment template. This will help in the natters of implementimng intervenrtion techniques. This will encompass all potential hazard that can compromise upon the safety level of the employees. Proper documentation in the forms of electromic databases are kept of all the safety protocols are required that will help in the purpose of providing training to the Employees. Types of Risks Level of Threats Proper Preventive Measures /Recommendations Duty of the Employees Stress at work Medium Mental Couselling sessions with individual employees to help them inherit the skills of time management and the ways to deal with the pressure at the workplace Raise the personal issues to the managememt that they encounter at the workplace due to lack of proper risk assessmemt tools Slips, trips and falls Medium Better level of infrastructure during the constution of manufacturing unit Act with cautious while carrying out risky activities. Fire High Fire safet infrastructure that includes installing of fire extinguishers and developiong of the proper fire safety exist route. The company also needs to have fire insurance that will help in the process of damage recovery. Get proper training for the acting swiftly during the time of fire emergency. Also act with cautious while dealing with all tyoes of volatotile substances. Confined Space Low Have proper ventellation at the workplace Fall from Height Low Use of proper quality matrials while developing infrastructure Risk assessmemnt chart for Eastman Chemical Recommendations: Development of infrastructure which will reduce the chances of slips, trips and falls within the manufacturing units such as using chips for increasing the friction of the pavement surfaces. Installation of fire extinguishers at each and every entry and exit Additionally development of fire insurance policies for providing accidental coverage can help in coping up with aftermaths. The site should be properly ventiliated to reduce the risk of closed space disasters such as suffocation due to leakage of poisonous gases. Quantitative vs. qualitative As per the research work of McNeil et al. (2015), it is essential for an organization to analyses both quantitative and qualitative aspect of the risk management plan. In the respect of qualitative method, it is possible to describe theoretical aspect of each risks and hazards. In this context the risk assessment can be described as a process of combining all the relevant evidences and information that are collected from respective practical event. In this process the risk is characterized and represented mainly in the form of non-numerical data (Grote 2015). On the other hand, in quantitative method of risk analysis, it is essential to collect to categories the risk and hazard depending upon their chances of occurring. For example, in the context of the chemical industry the risk of chemical contamination is much higher compared to that of workplace stress. It essentially uses numerical data to analyses the risk involved within an environment. For the management of Eastman Chemical company, it is essential to implement the qualitative procedure in order to identify the threat level of each risk and hazards. This will be possible by calculating the probability of occurring of each risks. On the other hand, the qualitative method will help to identify proper intervention measures for each types of risks. For example, in case of fire risk assessment, the qualitative procedures will help to ensure that all the equipment that are needed to deal with fire outbreak situations are kept as basic infrastructure resource of the company. This can include Fire extinguisher machine and alternative exit route for fire escape. Strengths of chosen risk assessment The major strength of the existing risk assessment plan of the Eastman Chemical company includes the following. The company is considering the major legal procedures of workplace safety that include the fire safety protocol and Work Injury Compensation act The risk assessment plan also includes identifying the root cause of all the hazards. Proper training procedures are also included within the plan that will ensure that the enoployees are able to cope up with the emergency situations such as using personal protective equipments effectively, isolating people from the hazard during emergency situations such as fire. In this regard , fire management training can be provided to the workers. Both quantitative and qualitative approach of risk assessment will help to maximize the opportunity of risk planning by highlighting the areas where there are loopholes such as infrasrutural deficit, improperly working fire extinguishers. The past records of accidents within the site of work can be used for framing of future safety directives which helps in the implementation of best practice methods witin the construction sites. Weakness of chosen risk assessment Following on the weakness of the existing risk assessment plan It will be highly challenging for the risk Manager to categories each and every form of hazard activities. Due to the fast changing scenario at the workplace it will be highly challenging for the management of the Eastman chemical to bring about modification in the safety protocols. As the total number of employees within the organization increases, it will not be possible for the management to include all the workers within the existing safety protocols. Communication Communication is believed to be one of the essential component of implementing effective risk assessment plan in the context of the Eastman Chemical company. The management need to implement essential communication strategy that is necessary in the context of implementing proper culture of safety (Drennanet al. 2014). The management need to held regular training and discussion session with the employees, which will help them to share important thoughts and information related to risk and hazardous activities. Hence, it will be possible to increase the level of awareness of every worker that will help them to effectively imply the safety protocols (Radawski et al. 2015). Verbal, written, graphic Effective verbal form of communication with the employees in the form of team meetings can help to highlight about the issues related to health and safety hazards. Verbal communication can also be conducted in virtual meetings, where the employees will get the opportunity to directly interact with higher authority (Brum 2016). It is essential to share accurate information through the form of verbal communication, which can thereby minimise the chance of all forms of misunderstanding or misconception that can compromise upon the health and safety procedures (Bahr 2014). It is also important to note that verbal form of communication are considered to be one of the effective ways that can help in establishing workplace safety culture. Written information in the form of proper document also essential. This can be presented as a book for health and safety protocols and are provided to every group of employees. Additionally, graphical representation are also essential to ensure that all the employees understand the practical application of Health and safety guidelines (Fernndez-Muiz et al. 2016). Training It is highly essential for the management of Eastman chemical to provide health and safety training for the working staff. The main content of the training will focus upon providing ideas of emergency protocols that are needed to be followed during the time of crisis. For example, in case of fire breakout employees need to have the basic training for evacuation. As the company involves using of harsh raw materials for manufacturing chemicals, it is essential for the employees to have proper level of knowledge about the ways to handle the same and ensure minimum chance of accident (Nasirzadehet al. 2014). Correct Equipment and tools Proper equipment that include safety mask and gloves are highly essential to ensure that the workers are not directly exposed to harmful chemicals in the process of manufacturing. Proper first aid equipment are also needed for all types of emergency and accidental situations. Safety Promotion The company needs to regular safety promotion program and workshop, which can also be held in the form of team meetings and group discussions. In this type of program it is possible to raise important issues related to health and safety protocols. The employees can also be given proper practical training so that they can efficiently during the time of crisis (Zhao and Lucas 2015). Employees can also be given mental counselling sessions, which can help them to deal with high level of workplace stress. As the workers are able to perform efficiently under critical situation, the chance of risk automatically reduces (McNeil et al. 2015). Conclusion (Wellbeing) The risk of fire outbreak is considered to be the highest in a context of workplace of Eastman chemicals. There is also major risk of confined space, where the employees have the risk of chemical contamination. All these risk and hazard situations raises the chance of workplace stress. The level of employee well-being therefore depends upon the ability of the organisation to promote health and safety protocols. It is also essential for the employees to manage high level of workplace stress, which can help them to provide high level of organisational productivity. References Bahr, N.J., 2014. System safety engineering and risk assessment: a practical approach. Florida:CRC Press, pp. 105-225. Brum, M.C.B., 2016. What Conditions Should Be Assessed in Evaluating Individuals Who Work in Confined Spaces?.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 58(4), pp.e152-3. Drennan, L.T., McConnell, A. and Stark, A., 2014. Risk and crisis management in the public sector. Abingdon :Routledge, pp. 263-362. Fernndez-Muiz, B., Montes-Pen, J.M. and Vzquez-Ords, C.J., 2014. Safety leadership, risk management and safety performance in Spanish firms. Safety science, 70, pp.295-307. Grote, G., 2015. Promoting safety by increasing uncertaintyImplications for risk management. Safety science, 71, pp.71-79. Hopkin, P., 2017. Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management. London:Kogan Page Publishers, pp. 226-321. McNeil, A.J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P., 2015. Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. New Jersey:Princeton university press, pp.165-251. Ministry of Manpower Singapore. (2018).Legislation for workplace safety and health. [online] Available at: https://www.mom.gov.sg/legislation/workplace-safety-and-health [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]. Ministry of Manpower Singapore. (2018).Workplace Safety and Health Act. [online] Available at: https://www.mom.gov.sg/workplace-safety-and-health/workplace-safety-and-health-act [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]. Nasirzadeh, F., Khanzadi, M. and Rezaie, M., 2014. Dynamic modeling of the quantitative risk allocation in construction projects. International Journal of Project Management, 32(3), pp.442-451. Radawski, C., Morrato, E., Hornbuckle, K., Bahri, P., Smith, M., Juhaeri, J., Mol, P., Levitan, B., Huang, H.Y., Coplan, P. and Li, H., 2015. BenefitRisk Assessment, Communication, and Evaluation (BRACE) throughout the life cycle of therapeutic products: overall perspective and role of the pharmacoepidemiologist. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 24(12), pp.1233-1240. Siegrist, J., 2016. Stress in the workplace. The New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, p.268. Zhao, D. and Lucas, J., 2015. Virtual reality simulation for construction safety promotion. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 22(1), pp.57-67.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Rap and Balladry free essay sample
A comparison between the musical expressions of Rap and Balladry. The paper compares these two genres using the works The Message by Grandmaster Flash and a childs ballad entitled The Trooper and the Maid by Ron Clarke, in an attempt to propose the idea that rap songs are an extension and adaptation of ballads. It begins by defining the two genres and discussing their origins. It then explores the structure and the melodies associated with these art forms in relation to the aforementioned works. The focus then shifts to the purpose of the musical forms and the ways in which these musical traditions are handed down from generation to generation. Over the past twenty years rap music and hip-hop culture have become a way of life. The music has become an art form that is often criticized for raunchy violent lyrics and described as garbage by many, but it has stood the test of time and crossed all racial and ethnic barriers. We will write a custom essay sample on Rap and Balladry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to an article written by Curtis Blow, a forefather of the rap and the hip- hop movement, rap is conversing in rhyme to the rhythm of a beat. (Blow). Encarta explains further that rap is a genre of rhythm-and-blues music that consists of rhythmic vocals declaimed over musical accompaniment. (Rap) In a rap song the musical accompaniment is characterized by electronic drumbeats, which are used in combination with samples taken from previous musical recordings.
Monday, November 25, 2019
English Names in Chinese Characters - A
English Names in Chinese Characters - A Click on the English names beginning with the letter A to see the English name in Chinese. The Chinese names are translated based on the English pronunciation of the names. The Chinese names are written in simplified characters, which are used in Mainland China. To find your last name in Chinese, please see English Last Names in Chinese. Female Chinese Name: More about Chinese Names. AMarieAMeiyaAadilahAafkeAaliyahAaminaAaralynAarynAashkaAasthaAbagailAbbeyAbbieAbbigailAbbyAbeilleAbiAbidaAbigailAbigaleAbigayleAbriannaAbrilAcaciaAclairAdaAdaezeAdahAdalineAdalynAdaraAddieAddisonAddyAdelaAdelaidaAdelaideAdeleAdeliaAdelinaAdelineAdellAdellaAdelleAdenaAdesinaAdhrahAdiAditiAdnAdonnaAdreenaAdriaAdrianAdrianaAdrianeAdriannaAdrianneAdrianousAdrieAdrienneAfafAfricaAfshanAgathaAgeethAggieAgnesAhliAhooAichaAidaAidalynAideeAidenAileenAileenaAileighAilemaAilsaAimeeAinhoaAinsleeAinsleyAirynAishaAislingAislinAislinnAitanaAiyanaAjaAjaineAjdaAjlaAkebulanAkitaAlaaAladinaAlainaAlaineAlajaAlanaAlanisAlannaAlanyaAlaynaAlaysiaAlbanyAlbertaAlberthaAlbertineAlbinaAldaAldineAleahAleashaAleciaAleeceAleenaAlegriaAleighaAleishaAlejandraAlejandrinAleksaAlenaAleneAleshaAlesiaAlessaAlessandraAletaAlethAlethaAletheaAletheiaAlethiaAlexAlexaAlexanderAlexandraAlexandreaAlexandriaAlexiaAlexisAlexizAlexusAlexysAlfredaAlgernaeAliAliaAliceAliciaAlidaAlieceAlinaAlineAlintaAlisaAlishaAlisonAlissaAliviaAli xAliyaAliyahAlizaAlizeAlkhouriAllaAllegraAlleneAlleyAlliAllieAllineAllisonAlluraAllyAllysonAllyssaAlmaAlmedaAlmiraAlmudenaAlnieAlonaAlondraAlphaAlrunAltaAltagraciaAlthaAltheaAlvaAlvenaAlveraAlvertaAlvinaAlwynAlyanaAlyannaAlyceAlyciaAlyonaAlysaAlyseAlyshaAlysiaAlysonAlyssaAlysynAmadaAmaliaAmalieAmanAmandaAmandeepAmaniAmaraAmaranthaAmarhaAmariAmarisAmarliannaAmayaAmberAmberisAmberleighAmberleyAmeAmeeAmeiyaAmeliaAmelieAmenaAmeraAmerbelAmericaAmiAmiciyahAmieAminaAmiraAmparoAmyAmyaAnAnYeaAnaAnabelAnadeliAnahiAnaiahAnaisAnajahAnaliseAnastasiaAnayaAndeeAndraAndreaAndreeaAndreiaAndreinaAndreishaAndreshiaAndrewAndriaAneissaAneleAneesaAnetteAngelAngelaAngelesAngeliaAngelicaAngeliceAngelieAngelikaAngelinaAngelineAngeliqueAngelitaAngharadAngiAngieAnikaAnisahAniseAnissaAnitaAnitraAniyaAniyahAnjaAnjaliAnjanetteAnjelAnjelicaAnkeAnkieAnnAnn-marieAnnaAnnabelAnnabellAnnabellaAnnabelleAnnadelleAnnadelle MarieAnnahAnnaleeAnnalisaAnnaliseAnnalouiseAnnamAnnamaeAnnamarieAnneAnnekeAnnelieAnnemarieAnnemarie keAnnemieAnnemiekAnnettaAnnetteAnniAnnicaAnnickAnnieAnnikaAnnikeAnnisAnnuAnnyAnnzleyAnoukAnsAnsleyAnthonyAntionetteAntoinetteAntonetteAntoniaAntoniettaAntoninaAntraAnuAnyaAoifeAokiAprilAprilleAqsaAraAraceliAracelliAracelyArceliaArdellArdellaArdeneArdisArdithArdorynaAreejAreenaArelyArethaAretiAriaArianaArianeAriannaArianneArielAriellaArielleAriesArionnaAriyanaArleenArleneArlettArlieArlineArmaniArmidaArnaArnelaArohaAroleArrieArshiaArtaryArthurArtieArtilyaArumaArvillaAryaAryanaAryannaAsasiaAsdinAshAshaAshantiAshayaAshelyAshlandAshleaAshleeAshleighAshleyAshlieAshlyAshlynAshlynnAshraAshtonAshtynAshuntaAsiaAsifaAsmaAsmitaAspasiaAspenAssisAstenAstridAsyaAtbarAthenaAtiyahAubreeAubreyAubrieAuburnAudraAudreaAudreyAugustinaAuliAunjenaeAuroraAustraAustynAutumnAvaAvangalineAveryAvriAvrilAyaAyanaAyannaAydnAyelAyeshaAylaAylinAynurAyraAyushiAzariaAzeezaAziaAzizaAzrael Dont see your name here? Complete a Submit a First Name in Chinese form and your name will be added to the list in about two weeks. More about Chinese Names.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Reconstruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Reconstruction - Essay Example There were many challenges in the period trying to safeguard rights for African Americans leading to passage of various Acts and constitutional Amendments to guide the process. However, the aim of this paper is to compare the presidential and congressional Reconstruction and to develop a 3-point plan for Reconstruction which would have been more successful than the other plans. The main difference between presidential and congress plans was that the presidential plans were very lenient to the confederates contrary to what Radical Republicans expected. The Congressional Acts and Amendments were very stringent aimed at punishing the rebel states and especially the people in high ranks during the war. The 10% plan by Lincoln entailed pardoning those who swore allegiance to the union as well as the US constitution (Franklin 16). New governments were to be formed using new constitution and abolishment of slavery was a necessity for readmission to the union. Just like Lincoln, Johnson†™s plan was even more lenient. It involved pardoning those who took loyalty oaths except high ranking confederate political and military leaders (Ferrell 27). Though Republican and a Southerner by birth, Johnson loathed the wealthy planters as he believed they are the ones who led the secession of south. Those with property worth more than $ 20,000 were thus not allowed to take loyalty oaths and this meant they couldn’t hold public offices or vote. However, he did not address the plight of Freedmen giving room for southerners to establish Black Codes to limit black rights. Those states which created new governments were readmitted to the union on condition that they abolished slavery. The congressional plan was very radical. Republicans wanted to confiscate land of rebels and divide it among the Freedmen and the Freedmen bureau was entrusted with that task. The congress also refused to accept those elected from former confederate states in the congress especially former hig h ranking officers. The congress unlike Johnson was bent on securing rights and citizenship for former slaves thus passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866 that gave blacks equality under the law and due process of law. It also extended the life of Freedmen’s Bureau and overturned the Black Codes. To further black rights, the congress entrenched these rights in the constitution by passing the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the constitution. Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to freedmen, equal protection of law and due process of law. It was passed in 1868 and stated â€Å"all persons born or naturalized in the U.S and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of U.S and of state wherein they reside†(Foner 251). The Fifteenth Amendment of 1870 gave blacks suffrage and stated â€Å"the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any state on account race, color, or previous condition of servitude†(Ferrell 41). However , it did not guarantee voting as states could still deny blacks right to vote based on other criteria such as poll tax. Besides, gangs like Ku Klux Klan could not allow to them to vote thus unleashed terror on them. States had to ratify both amendments to be readmitted to the union. Besides the two amendments, the congress also devised Reconstruction Acts in 1867 to act as its plan for Reconstruction. Under these four acts, the remaining ten former confederate states which had not ratified the fourteenth Amendment
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Article analysis - Essay Example To build his argument he mentions the positive side of Fox stand. However, Bauder does not forget to mention the need of airing news that is unpleasant to the ears of its audience. He leaves the reader wondering about his stand on the debate when he takes on the opponent’s side. Towards the end of the article, Bauder takes the proposing stand to argue out his point in the article. Bauder gives support to his argument in several ways. Throughout the article, Bauder uses questions to drive his argument. Further, the use of quotation helps the reader to identify the stand of Bauder in the article. Rhetoric statements characterize the argument pointing out the cause of disagreement in the article. He compares the airtime given to Iraqi war by other channel using statistics. He sites 20% by CNN, 18% by MSNBC and 6% daytime news hole. It is probable that figures are assertive than mere use of words. He manages to use contradictory statements to exemplify his forth and back framing of his argument. This might challenge a reader who does not follow the argument. Bauder’s uses illustrative statement throughout the article to attest his argument. For example, ‘’certain folks don’t want bad news†helps to illustrate his point. This is a strategy since it sparks emotion of the reader, thus influencing readers stand on the point of argument. Another strategy that he employs in his article is the frequent use of questions to influence the stand of the reader. â€Å"So how to explain the divergent priorities?†The use of questions probably points the need to have a divergent view over the news to put in air. He effectively illustrates a situation of divergent views in the society. Moreover, he argued it is less rewarding to dwell on negative things. The central idea in his argument is the audience of they intend to serve. He points out that their intention is to give priority to the likes of their viewers. He believes
Monday, November 18, 2019
What made me choose to become a mental health couselor Essay
What made me choose to become a mental health couselor - Essay Example such a wide variety of factors which can negatively impact the emotional stability of today’s global citizens, there must be effective and thoughtful counselors available through which to discuss social and self-related issues and assist people in need to ensure they receive help and/or a rational voice to offer suggestions on how best to make life more satisfying. It is quite common to witness that many people have a very difficult time adjusting to the many complications and expectations which are placed upon them, both by peers or colleagues as well as social acquaintances. There are many social protocols which demand that people act differently than who they really are when in public situations, therefore they never seem to get the opportunity to really reflect who the person is on the inside. When dealing with basic lifestyle complications, coupled with social rules and in-crowd regulations associated with what is considered acceptable behavior, it is not unrealistic that a person will begin to lose the necessary internal balance to lead a healthy, emotionally-sound adult life. These basic stresses, it would seem, also strongly impact the male psyche leading to a considerable amount of domestic abuse and violence against women. When men are being forced to simply comply with inferior business leadership (such as a poor manager or inferior colleague), these frustrations can build up over time. Add to the professional stress a home life which is riddled with bill payment issues or other frustrations caused from an inability to stretch one’s imagination and creativity, it is likely they will lash out at the nearest thing which sometimes involves asserting this aggression against women because they are weaker. In many respects, violence stemming from men is likely this group attempting to assert their dominance over the weaker since they do not have the opportunity to accomplish this at work or socially otherwise. To lash out in the employment environment
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What Happened In The Tlatelolco Massacre History Essay
What Happened In The Tlatelolco Massacre History Essay The Plaza of the Three Cultures, known as the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Spanish, symbolizes Mexicos unique cultural heritage. La Plaza de las Tres Culturas was once the center of one of the most powerful Native American empires, the Aztecs, located in the ancient city of Tlatelolco. The square contains the remains of the Aztec temples and is flanked by the Colonial Cathedral of Santiago, and the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (Department of Foreign of Affairs) building. Las Tres Culturas is in recognition of the three periods of Mexican history reflected by those buildings: pre-Columbian, Spanish colonial, and the independent mestizo nation. The plaza not only represents three cultures but is an important reminder of the Mexican spirit of determination. It is the site where the Aztecs made their final stand against the Spanish army in 1521 and the massacre of 1968. It has been called Mexicos Tiananmen Square, Mexicos Kent State. During the presidency of Gustavo Dà az Ordaz (1964-1970), there were several antecedents to the 1968 student confrontations with the Mexican government, but nothing comparable to the Tlatelolco Massacre that occurred on the night of October 2, 1968, in Mexico Citys Plaza de las Tres Culturas. Background The year1968 was a year of political turmoil around the world. The International Olympic Committeeheaded by Avery Brundage from the U.S.had chosen Mexico as the first Third World country ever to host the Olympic Games. This was aimed both to draw oppressed countries into imperialist-dominated world sport and to showcase Mexico as a model of U.S.-sponsored growth and relative stability. Mexico was supposed to provide a contrast to the national liberation struggles which were shaking most of Latin America, Asia, and Africa and sparking rebellions in the imperialist citadels from Detroit to Paris as well. To date, no other Latin America country has subsequently hosted the Olympic Games. The Mexican government invested a massive $150 million in preparations for the Olympics, an ostentatious amount considering the poverty that existed in Mexico. The Mexican president during the Olympics, Gustavo Dà az Ordaz ineptly strained tenuous conditions in Mexico in an attempt to preserve the peac e. During the Dà az Ordaz presidency, Mexicans endured the suppression of independent labor unions, peasant farmers, and the economy. From this general dissatisfaction with President Dà az Ordaz, the student movement was born. Initially their demands were limited to greater employment and respect for university autonomy; however, the struggles of the factory workers and rural peasants soon resonated with them. This movement of rebellious students was touched off on July 24 when a fight between gangs at two high schools connected with the longtime rivals, the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM) and National Politechnical Institute (IPN, or Poli), was viciously put down by antiriot police called granaderos. When outraged vocational students protested, granaderos attacked again, killing many. In response, students seized buses and put up barricades to defend their schools. Student strikes and takeovers hit high schools all over the capital. The high school students were supported by UNAM and IPN students. Students from 70 universities and preparatory schools in Mexico formed a grassroots National Strike Council (CNH) and put forward six strike demands: disband the granaderos; fire police chiefs; investigate and punish higher officials responsible for the repression; pay compensation for students killed and injured; repeal laws making social dissolutionbreaking down of societya crime (under these laws many independent unionists and communists had been jailed); and free political prisoners, including students arrested in the recent disturbances as well as those seized earlier for social dissolution. Within three days the government had to call in the army to take back several Mexico City prepas (preparatoriashigh schools connected to universities). There were clashes which led to many hundreds of arrests and injuries. Thirty-two students had been killed since the first confrontation, but this only fired up the youths resistance. The student strike spread to the UNAM, IPN, and universities throughout the country, supported by a majority of professors. By late August and September the students were calling marches of 300,000 to 600,000 people; important contingents of workers and peasants participated regularly. Over the coming months, the student movement gained support from students outside the capital and other segments of society that continued to build until that October, despite several instances of violence. CNH Tactics Student brigades strained their creativity and skills to foil police and get the word out. Engineering students designed balloons which would burst when they got to a certain height and rain leaflets on the heads of pedestrians. Acting students put on realistic street theater in which a student and a conservative woman in pearls and heels carried out loud debates in crowded markets. Hundreds of observers would be drawn in, the majority on the side of the youth, and the advanced would be quietly contacted by undercover students in the crowd. Some students found that they and the barrio or slum dwellers spoke what seemed to be two different languages. They had to throw out bookish talk and learn from the vivid calà ³ slang of the streets. After a full day of brigade work, they would spend the night in classrooms they had taken over, discussing the conditions and outrages the masses had exposed them to and figuring out how to use this new knowledge in their leaflets and agitation. The red and white buses of the IPN, always with some daring students and a loudspeaker perched on the roof, became famous for a kind of roving speak-in. Workers, market vendors, and even mariachi singers would climb up on the bus roof one after another to voice their support or disagreement with the students demands or tactics and to air their grievances. In some neighborhoods, just the appearance of an IPN bus was enough to immediately attract crowds of hundreds of people who would gather around. Students captured the spirit of the people in a way that the national government was never able to do. In fact, the national government was despised by its people. Mexican Government The turmoil of the 1960s in part reflected a widespread dissatisfaction among Mexicans with the rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). The PRI was aptly described in 1968 as entrenched, stagnant, and primarily self-serving in the eyes of many Mexicans. The PRI controlled the nation with an iron fist for over 70 consecutive years. The party has been known to use violence, manipulation and corruption to win elections and hide information from the public, such as the details concerning the Tlatelolco massacre. President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz was known for an authoritarian manner of rule over his cabinet and country, despite Mexico being a democratic country. Luis Escheverria, Interior Secretary to Ordaz, was also known for a no nonsense attitude against student protesters. The Mexican governments planned response to the student rally on the evening of October 2 was called Operation Galeano. The most definitive account of this operation, culminating with the Tlatelolco Massacre, is found in a Mexican special prosecutors report released in November 2006. According to this report, early on October 2 elements of the militarys Estado Mayor Presidencial (the Presidential High Command) were placed in apartments on the upper floors of the Chihuahua apartment building and other apartment buildings surrounding Tlatelolcos Plaza de las Tres Culturas. Once the rally started, the Army, using from 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers (the accounts varying) and more than 300 tanks and other vehicles, would surround the plaza to prevent those attending the rally from fleeing, while armed military men in civilian clothes, members of a unit called the Batallà ³n Olimpia that had been organized to help protect the Olympic Games, would prevent anyone from entering or leaving the Chi huahua apartment building, in which the organizers of the rally were to be arrested. The planned response of the government ended in bloodshed by the order of Luis Escheverria. Tlatelolco Massacre: The Event On October 1, the CNH held two rallies at UNAM. Speakers urged the thousands of students present to attend an October 2 rally at the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, in the Tlatelolco area of Mexico City, to be followed by a march to Casco de Santo Tomà ¡s to demand the withdrawal of authorities from the IPN campus. On October 2, 1968, approximately 10,000 people, most of them students carrying red carnations, arrived in the vast colonial plaza of Tlatelolco for a demonstration. At 6:04 p.m. green and red flares dropped from helicopters, soldiers burst into the square, tanks blocked the exits and an elite plainclothes battalion stormed the speakers platform on the third-floor balcony of an apartment building, where the National Strike Committee, the leadership body of the student movement, was stationed and opened fire. The gunfire lasted for sixty-two minutes, then started again and continued for hours. Late in the evening, when the shooting finally ceased, scores of demonstrators lay d ead and woundedchildren and the elderly among them. The official government explanation of the incident was that armed provocateurs among the demonstrators, stationed in buildings overlooking the crowd, had begun the firefight. Suddenly finding themselves sniper targets, the security forces had simply returned the shooting in self-defense. By the next morning, newspapers reported that 20 to 28 people had been killed, hundreds wounded, and hundreds more arrested. Most of the Mexican media reported that the students provoked the armys murderous response with sniper fire from the apartment buildings surrounding the plaza. El Dà as morning headline on October 3, 1968 read as followed: Criminal Provocation at the Tlatelolco Meeting Causes Terrible Bloodshed. The government-controlled media dutifully reported the Mexican governments side of the events that night, painting the students as trouble makers who needed to be brought to order by any and all means necessary. Olympic Games 1968 Controversy The death of hundreds did not even phase the International Olympic Committee. They did not consider to cancelling the games, due to their belief that the massacre was an isolated event involving a social minority. On October 16, 1968, an action by two African-American sprinters at the Mexico City Olympics shook the sporting world. Tommie Smith and John Carlos, the gold and bronze medalists in the mens 200-meter race, took their places on the podium for the medal ceremony barefooted and wearing civil rights badges, lowered their heads and each defiantly raised a black-gloved fist as the Star Spangled Banner was played to show their support for the student protesters and the Olympic Project for Human Rights. Some people (particularly IOC president Avery Brundage) felt that a political statement had no place in the international forum of the Olympic Games. In an immediate response to their actions, Smith and Carlos were suspended from the U.S. team by Brundage and banned from the Olympi c Village. Those who opposed the protest said the actions disgraced all Americans. Supporters, on the other hand, praised the men for their bravery. Tlatelolco Massacre: Response and Investigation Some argue that an understanding of the domestic political context within Mexico explains why the government reacted in such a harsh manner. Mexico stayed relatively isolated from other foreign powers which provided them more freedom in their ability to deal with their domestic problems. The strongest censure from abroad that Mexico received for the massacre was a mild finger wagging from the representatives of a few foreign governments. The worlds failure to confront and condemn the actions of the Mexican government fueled the killing rampage throughout Mexico in the years to follow. In 1998, President Ernesto Zedillo, on the 30th anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre, authorized a congressional investigation into the events of October 2. However, the PRI government continued its recalcitrance (defiance of authority) and did not release official government documents pertaining to the incident. Eventually in 2001, President Vicente Fox, the historic president that ended the 70-year reign of the PRI, attempted to resolve the greatest of these unanswered questions: who had orchestrated the massacre? President Fox ordered the release of previously classified documents concerning the 1968 massacre. The documents revealed that the students did not open fire first and showed that the snipers were members of the Presidential Guard, who were instructed to fire on the military forces in order to provoke them. President Fox also appointed Ignacio Carrillo Prieto in 2002 to prosecute those responsible for ordering the massacre. In June 2006, an ailing, 84-year-old Luis Eche verrà a was charged with genocide in connection with the massacre. He was placed under house arrest pending trial. In early July of that year, he was cleared of genocide charges, as the judge found that Echeverrà a could not be put on trial because the statute of limitations had expired. However, in March 2009, after a convoluted appeal process, the genocide charges against Echeverria were completely dismissed. Despite the ruling, prosecutor Carrillo Prieto said he would continue his investigation and seek charges against Echeverria before the United Nations International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. In October 2003, the role of the U.S. government in the massacre was publicized when the National Security Archive at George Washington University published a series of records from theCIA, the Pentagon, the State Department, the FBI and the White House which were released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests. The LITEMPO documents detail: That in response to Mexican government concerns over the security of the Olympic Games the Pentagon sent military radios, weapons, ammunition and riot control training material to Mexico before and during the crisis. That the CIA station in Mexico City produced almost daily reports concerning developments within the university community and the Mexican government from July to October. Six days before the massacre at Tlatelolco, both Echeverrà a and head of Federal Security (DFS) Fernando Guiterrez Barrios told the CIA that the situation will be under complete control very shortly. That the Dà az Ordaz government arranged to have student leader Sà ³crates Campos Lemus accuse dissident PRI politicians such as Carlos Madrazo of funding and orchestrating the student movement. Still, some today believe the United States government was only concerned with security and safety during the Olympic Games 68 and was not involved in the Tlatelolco massacre in any form. Determining who is at fault however, will not change the events that occurred on October 2, 1968. The blood and tears shed that day are still fresh in the minds of those who witnessed the horrific event. Remembering Tlatelolco In 1993, a stele was erected to remember those who lost their lives. The former headquarters of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs is now a memorial museum called Memorial 68 to remember the Mexican student demonstrations and the Tlatelolco massacre victims and survivors. Each year the anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre is marked with a march to the same plaza and a protest for the release of government records. On October 2, 2008, the 40th anniversary, two marches were held in Mexico City to commemorate the event. One traveled from Escuela Normal Superior de Maestros (Teachers College) to the Zocalo. The other went from the Instituto Politecnico Nacional to the massacre site of the Plaza de las Tres Culturas. According to the Comità © del 68 (68 Committee), one of the organizers of the event, 40,000 marchers were in attendance. Unfortunately, still too many are unfamiliar with the events that occurred since the massacre fails to appear in most history textbooks. When asked how this could be, high school Headmaster Samuel Gonzalez Montano, replied, You cant teach anything that didnt officially happen. As of now, the newest generation of Mexicans only have a general knowledge of the events surrounding the 68 Olympic Games, which are unavoidably intertwined. Gregory P. Groggel, a graduate of the University of Puget Sound, recounts: During a visit to the plaza, I encountered a group of boys playing soccer. When I inquired from one of them if he knew what happened in October of 1968 here in the plaza, he shrugged and looked around. I told him some 300 people died. He seemed lost and turned slowly to read the memorial he was sitting in front of and had lived near his whole life. The end of it reads: Who? Whom? No one. The next day, no one. The plaza awoke swept; The newspapers said for news the state of the weather. And on the television, on the radio, in the theaters, there was not a single change in the program, not a single announcement. Nor a moment of silence at the banquet (or following the banquet). The deaths of so many youths and protesters must not be forgotten. They deserve more than a simple moment of silence. Remember Tlatelolco. Fore, those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.(George Santayana)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Hayanny Silva Coach Hansen Brit Lit December 13, 2013 Shakespeare Hamlet Insanity VS Sanity The Tragedy of Hamlet In the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet an intellectual prince switches from sanity and insanity throughout the entire play. You can see that during the play when madness seems right, he puts on an "antic disposition (I.V.173). Nevertheless when Sanity proves to be the answer Hamlet returns to being logical. Hamlet claims he is "mad north-north-west" (II.ii.376), meaning he is mad sometimes and sane other times. Therefore, to reach his goals, Hamlet switches between sanity and insanity. In the poem, Hamlet switches to insanity to achieve some of his goals. Hamlet uses his insanity to conquer his obstacles. Hamlet is only insane towards his enemies and his enemy’s allies. For example, Hamlet attacks Gertrude verbally and physically, because she is an obstacle to Hamlet. Also, Hamlet kills Polonius and assures that Polonius is "dead, for a ducat, dead" (III.iv.25).When hamlet kills Polonius he feels nothing, no sympathy, no sorrow, and no fear. His insanity overcame him to the point that he would kill someone with not a hence of pity nor feelings. Hamlet gradually harms Gertrude with his words of insanity, while killing Polonius with his insanity. All of these two people, Gertrude, and Polonius, are Claudius' allies, and by harming Claudius' allies, Hamlet is harming Claudius, which is Hamlet’s goal. Death of his [Hamlet] father caused a fault in Hamlet's logic, and that fault forced the madness on him. Hamlet believes that Gertrude his mother has had an affair with his Uncle and actually aided in the slaughter of his beloved father. On top of that, Hamle... ... ideas that Hamlet is mad and that Hamlet is not mad. Readers and critics can agree that Hamlet is not a "man of action," but is instead a "man of reflection"-reflection that is concentrated on both himself and the world (Schucking 31).I believe it is Shakespeare's anger towards corruption and religion that makes Hamlet to fall into madness. â€Å"Finding a character in real life of a person endowed with so delicate as to border on weakness with sensibility too exquisite to allow of determined action â€Å"(Sylvia 13).While it’s difficult to point out the exact cause in Hamlet's life that lead to his insanity, one thing is for certain; he went mad, and the madness did to him what it does to everything that holds madness; it destroys whatever it touches. Insanity in The tragedy of Prince Hamlet over powered sanity which concludes that the entire play revolves around insanity
Monday, November 11, 2019
Asn report
Materials and products must be inspected to assure that the quality characteristics conform to requirements. Inspection may occur as the product is being produced, at final Inspection on completed product at the producer, or at receiving Inspection at the consumer. There are three ways that a lot of N quantity may be Inspected: complete Inspection of the lot, no Inspection of the lot, or a partial inspection of the lot. Complete inspection of the lot, referred to as 100% inspection, can be extremely time consuming, and as such expensive. 0% inspection should be reserved for those situations where even a single defect is associated with unacceptable risk, as in medical or aerospace applications. 100% inspection may also be necessary if there is reason to believe that the lot is of particularly low quality, or if no information is available to estimate the lot quality. No inspection of the lot, or 0% inspection, is the ideal inspection level from a financial view, as there is no cost a dded. However, 0% inspection Is risky, as even one bad lot of material can have a significant monetary impact, easily erasing any savings realized from the lack of Inspection.Regardless, certain situations do lend themselves to Inspection. The material may be so Inexpensive, Like a screw or nut, that there Is no Justification for Inspection. Or there may be sufficient statistical and/or historical evidence that the lot will meet the required quality level that inspection is unwarranted. A partial inspection of the lot, called sample inspection, provides an alternative to the extremes of 100% or 0% inspection, and is the most common method of lot inspection. Sample inspection Lana typically use statistically derived tables from a know standard, such as the ubiquitous IEEE military standard.These sampling plans allow for the selection of an Acceptable Quality Level (SQL) with a corresponding sample size (n) based on lot size (N). The inspector then uses the specified acceptance number (c) and rejection number (d or r) to decide if the lot should be accepted or rejected, called sentencing the lot. The lot Is accepted and considered of adequate quality when the number of Identified defects In the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number; otherwise the lot Is rejected. A refinement to single sampling plans, where a single sample is used for lot sentencing, is a double sampling plan.Instead of a single sample (ml), a second sample size (no) is also defined by the selected plan, as well as a second set of acceptance and rejection numbers (ca and do). If the number of defects identified in the first sample is less than CLC, the lot is accepted; if the defects are greater than ca, the lot is rejected. If the number of defects is greater than CLC, but less than or equal to ca, a second sample is drawn. If the sum of the defects identified in both samples is less than or equal to ca, the lot is accepted, if the sum is greater than ca, the lot Is rejected.Dou ble sampling plans can be psychological appealing, with a perceived â€Å"second chance†for accepting a lot. The reality Is that no such advantage exists, as both single and double sampling plans are designed to provide similar probable's for accepting or rejecting lots of Identical quality. The actual advantage of double sampling plans over single sampling plans Is found In the sampling plan will always have a lower ASSN then a single sampling plan; the inspection took less time and so cost less.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Adapting Communicative Language Teaching Approach to China’s Context Essay
1. Introduction With the development of market economy, China is accelerating its steps to join the world family in commerce and cultural partnership. With the recent accession to the WTO, the long-awaited Olympic Games in Beijing, China has made learning English a national priority. English, with its unique status, has been taught in China for more than 100 years. Today, English is becoming more and more popular. It is a compulsory course for all Chinese students from primary school to university. Clearly it is relatively easy to demonstrate the importance of English in current China. This essay intends to argue that to achieve success in English learning for Chinese students the methods of teaching must be reconsidered. Therefore this article is structured as follows: First, analyzing different types of English teaching methods in China and then focusing on the CLT Method. By analyzing and contrasting these English teaching methods, the need to change current English teaching methods in China will be discovered. Finally, explaining the problems of adopting the more modern CLT Approach and giving suggestions on how it may best be adapted to the Chinese context. See more: Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay 2. A Brief Introduction to English Teaching Methods in China 2.1 Grammar-Translation Method English has been taught in China for more than 100 years. In the beginning stage, people did not have any experience on modern language teaching and learning, so they followed a European language teaching method YE Jin (1978- ), Master of education, lecturer of School of Foreign Language, Shenzhen University; research fields: English language teaching methods, cross-cultural communication, educational assessment,which is used in teaching Greek and Latin in Middle Ages in Europeâ€â€Grammar-Translation Method. Some Chinese students become accustomed to this method in learning English and generally showed great interest in language structures and linguistic details. Most of them believe â€Å"we would like to know what happens, because if we understand the system, we can use English more effectively†(Harvey, 1985). Therefore, most Chinese English teachers always stick to this method, and think it is essential to analyze grammar to learners, without considering the age of the students or their English proficiency. This method is effective and suitable for some Chinese students, but not all of them. The outcome of this method is that students develop poor oral English ability with pronunciation and intonation not standard. Although they have learned lots of grammar rules, when using English to communicate, they will make grammatical mistakes frequently. Especially when they are in foreign countries, they cannot ask the way; they cannot order taxi. They are â€Å"observers†rather than active participants in classes. Students became almost â€Å"structurally competent but communicatively incompetent†(Johnson & Morrow, 1981). It has been pointed out that this grammar-oriented approach reflects an artificial and formalistic view of language skills and learning. It doesn’t allow the learners to use a language in a natural way (Widdowson, 1990). This is the most serious problem in Grammar-Translation Method and also in current China’s English teaching. 2.2 Direct Method This English teaching method is totally different from Grammar-Translation Method. It uses English directly in teaching, such as using English to make conversations or have discussions. Students’ English competence is developed in this way instead of using mother tongue to translate. The basic principle of this method is that the foreign language learning process should be like the natural process of a child learning his or her mother tongue. It believes that language is a skill or habit, and this habit can be achieved by repetition and imitation. Although this method can inspire students’ interests in learning English and is in favour of their English pronunciation and intonation, it has certain limitations: (1) It only focuses on experiences and perceptual knowledge in English and it has little estimate on students’ level of consciousness. (2) This method rejects mother tongue in English teaching. It only sees the disadvantages of mother tongue, but never makes use of mother tongue to facilitate students’ comprehension. (3) After learning English for a long time, some students may understand simple oral English but not complicated sentences and have poor grammar skills. (4) The class size should be small in using this method. So this method is just suitable to teach English beginners, and cannot be fully applied in the large countryâ€â€China. 2.3 Audio-Lingual Approach This English teaching method puts listening and speaking in the first place. It uses sentence pattern as the base of teaching and tries to avoid mother tongue in class. When using this method in learning English, students should first listen and then speak. After a long time practice, students can automatically express what they had heard. Because this method relies on repetition and drills, the main limitations are: (1) It over emphasizes the mechanical practice and ignores students’ English skills training and learning flexibility. (2) This method focuses too much on the language structure and ignores the meaning of the language, so students’ reading and writing abilities are poor. 2.4 Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) In the early 1990s, a new English teaching method was introduced to Chinaâ€â€Communicative Language Teaching Approach. This method emphasizes how to use language as a media to communicate. Teachers should not only train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, but also train them how to use all of these language skills into the real life communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely toï ¿ ¼encounter in real life. The CLT can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses (Galloway, 1993). The basic features of CLT are: (1) It focuses on students’ active participation, the whole classroom is not the teacher-centered, but students-centered one. The teacher should give students enough time to practise during class. (2) The English teacher should help students to be more independent, active and fluent in using English. In real life situation, students will use the language without teacher’s help. (3) When using the CLT, the teacher often organizes pair and group work, the whole classroom setting should be arranged in favour of these activities. Although this method is quite useful and can inspire students’ interest, it still has some limitations: (1) The textbook using in CLT breaks up the English grammatical system, which increases students’ difficulty in learning grammar. (2) This method is hard to assess. The above four English teaching methods are all used in China in different time and to a certain extent; they have their own features and focuses on improving different language skills. So the limitations are unavoidable when we use them separately in English teaching. Among them, the oldest language teaching methodâ€â€Grammar-Translation Method is still popular in some places in current China. Meanwhile, for various reasons, using the CLT in China met considerable difficulties. How to use the CLT in China’s English teaching context properly still has a long way to go. 3. Adapting Communicative Language Teaching Approach in China To solve this problem, we need to use the CLT flexibly, that is to say, we need to adapt CLT to China’s English teaching context. But just as Johnson and Morrow (1981, p. 1) state â€Å"new movements often begin as reactions to old ones. Their origins lie in a discontent with an existing state of affairs†. In fact, in 1992 the State Education Development Commission (SEDC) introduced a functional syllabus, in which the communicative teaching aim was set and the communicative functions to be taught were listed. In the same year, in cooperation with the British Longman, the SEDC published a new textbook series. The syllabus and the textbooks required teachers to teach communicatively in classrooms. This action met considerable resistance at that time. 3.1 Problems The main problems of adopting CLT in China are: First, class size. In China, each class has at least 50 students, and there are only 45 minutes in one English class. Each student could potentially speak in each class less than 1 minute. So it is impossible for English teachers to conduct CLT well in this kind of class. Second, English teachers especially some primary and secondary school English teachers lack sufficient English knowledge and teaching skills to adopt CLT without further guidance and training. â€Å"Many teachers have tried to change the dominant teaching procedures but quickly get frustrated, lose their initial enthusiasm, and acquiesce to tradition†. (Campbell & ZHAO, 1993) Third, in China the whole process of English teaching and learning is heavily influenced by examinations, and the matriculation English test focuses on students’ linguistic competence. The English teaching pattern in China is textbook-based, teacher-dominated and test-oriented, which prevents students from improving their communicative competence (ZUO, 1993). Finally, lack of teaching materials is another obstacle to adopt CLT in China. Right now, some universities in China stick to their own textbooksâ€â€College English, which was published in 1989 by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, and has remained unchanged for more than 10 years. College English does include some authentic materials from English novels and magazines, but it lacks practical applications and is hard to organize communicative classroom activities to go with it. Because of the above reasons, English teachers cannot adopt CLT directly in China’s context, and the history 31 Adapting communicative language teaching approach to China’s context ï ¿ ¼has already proved that direct adoption would fail at last. They must adapt CLT and use an eclectic method according to Chinaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s current situation. 3.2 Factors to be considered of adapting CLT to China’s context The above four English teaching methods are all used in China’s English teaching. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Previous research and analysis show that the most scientific way to teach English in China’s context is to combine those different English teaching methods together, using an eclectic method. An eclectic method is a method that accepts the best teaching techniques from other methods according to the actual situation. To reconcile communicative approaches to the teaching of English with traditional Chinese methods helped English teachers in their teaching, but to be eclectic, teachers were required to use CLT as a method while accepting elements of the traditional methods, especially the Grammar-Translation Method. 3.2.1 Combining accuracy and fluency in China’s English teaching In English learning, accuracy and fluency are two equally important factors, but in China, accuracy is emphasized more than fluency. Chinese students are keenly interested in the exact words, have a low tolerance of ambiguity, and tend to focus on discrete grammar points and specific syntactic constructions (Barnhouse, 1981). Modern society needs students use English not only accurately but also fluently, so more attention should be paid to fluency in the future’s English teaching. As for teaching beginners, a solid foundation of English must be emphasized, which is primarily built on accuracy, so English teachers should use Grammar-Translation Method more in this stage . Then teachers should encourage students to use English orally with as few errors as possible, and to manipulate the language system as spontaneously and flexibly as possible. CLT is largely involved in this process. After students have mastered the language forms, they ought to be given intensive fluency practice, because although linguistic competence is the basis of communicative competence, communicative competence does not automatically result from linguistic competence (DUAN, 1992). At this stage, English teachers should not interrupt students’ practice to correct their mistakes frequently, but at the end of each fluency practice, the teacher should let students aware their mistakes, so they can avoid next time. During the whole practice, the teacher should let students use English extensively and limit the use of Chinese. Through this way, accuracy and fluency can be achieved and students’ English linguistic competence and communicative competence can both be developed. 3.2.2 Student-centered orientation For a long time, China’s English classroom is dominated by teachers. They always stand in front of the blackboard, and talk all the time; students sitting in lines separately to listen. This kind of classroom setting is in favour of using Grammar-Translation Method in teaching, but it is not convenient to carry out students’ practice. In order to facilitate English acquisition, students need oral practice in English classroom. Teachers must ensure that classroom interactions are managed, not just by the teacher, but by all participants. To achieve this, teachers should arrange the desks in such a way that the students can look directly at one another to help create interactions among students. 3.2.3 Teacher’s role Instead of being the master of the class, the English teacher could act as an independent participant and facilitator in English classroom. He or she facilitates the communicative process among all learners and between students and various tasks. He or she can give guidance and advice when necessary. But this does not mean in the teaching process, the teacher should only be a passive observer. Although the teacher may be nondirective in general, it is still the teacher’s responsibility to recognize the distinctive qualities in the students (HAN, 1979) and to help students develop those qualities. Of course, to perform these roles well, English teachers in China need further guidance and training to let 32 Adapting communicative language teaching approach to China’s context ï ¿ ¼them fully understand that teaching English does not consist only of teaching grammar but that the true mastery of a language involves communicative competence, and to let them know how to use CLT in their daily teaching process successfully. 3.2.4 Classroom activities Classroom activities such as role-play, pair work and group discussion should be largely involved in English teaching. At the same time, teachers can also use any unexpected occurrence that happens during class. I still remember when I was in secondary school, I was always attracted easily by outside sights and noises. Once in an English class, I saw a very beautiful butterfly flying outside the window. It was so beautiful that I signaled my best friend to look at it. Just at this moment, my English teacher also noticed my signal. Instead of being angry, she asked the whole class to enjoy the beautiful butterfly, and me to describe it in English. Although in China, classroom activities are usually based on textbooks; English teachers can try to create activities to provide students with speaking opportunities and motivate them. 3.2.5 Changes in English test For a long time, English examinations in China did not have oral test and the language use section. Recently, some important English tests in China developed by the State Education Development Commission began to include the language use section. English teachers can teach to the test from now on. The section was added to measure the four English language skills used for communication and it included such elements like: role-play, reading comprehension and communicative writing. Most of my students in China told me that the English examination is more interesting than ever before and they like these changes. 4. Conclusion English teaching in China, with its traditional setting and current situation, differs from many English speaking countries. But this does not mean that the CLT approach is not applicable in China’s context. On the other hand, English teachers can use an eclectic method according to their actual situations. Adapting the CLT approach, making full use of its advantages and reconciling it with the traditional Grammar-Teaching Method, this approach can work the most effectively in China. But adapting CLT to China’s context is a very complicated process, under the guidance of the SEDC, the representatives of the central government, it should be done step by step. Right now what English teachers in China need to do is to modernize, not westernize, English teaching.
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